You know that phrase…the sky’s the limit? Well I don’t believe that, to me that’s a limiting belief. Why should the sky be the limit when we can go further than the sky, onto the moon, and beyond?
My name is Julie Ngoun. I am someone who loves to see the best in others and help everyone find their inner pot of gold. That is why I am an Abundance Healer, so I can be of service to others.
meet julie ngoun
Abundance Healer
My spiritual journey started early in my childhood. I always had a gift for recalling memories. Which makes sense now with my work within the Akashic Records. I was also speaking to angels, and spirits at a young age. However, since my family didn’t believe me I shut off those gifts until I was an adult.
I thought I was just your normal average person living my life. My spiritual journey started when I realized I simply wasn’t happy. On the outside my life was great! I had a corporate career at a Fortune 500 company, amazing friends, good family, and the best life partner. Nothing was missing externally. However, on the inside, I felt like something was missing. It was when I started doing the hard spiritual work to better myself that I was able to tune into what was weighing me down. I had to truly dig deep and ask myself questions like:
Who am I?
What do I truly want out of life?
What makes me truly happy?
What does abundance mean to me?
What is my purpose?
It was through this deep inner work that I was able to transform my deepest fears, work my abundance blocks and my limited mindset to live an intentional joyful life!
This journey has renewed my appreciation of life, and for that I am grateful. I am now able to share my experiences to help assist you in your journey towards abundance and freeing yourself from limitations.
My journey has made me realize I am more comfortable with not being a “normal” person. Being “normal” is not who I am meant to be. I followed my heart, and realized my own purpose of being a beacon of light to other souls to help them in their remembrance process. My mission is to help the collective with energy healing, remembering their light, and connecting to the divine source energy.
I am grateful to be of service to others, as I am someone who loves infinitely and who can powerfully embrace others when they are lacking in love. I energetically heal those who forgot the source of their love, and help identify the emotional blocks that is preventing you from feeling the love. Love is the most powerful force in the universe after all because love knows no bounds, does not discriminate, and does not see separation. I am here to remind others that love is not separation, and instead love is unity, love is one, and love is kind.
So what is an Abundance Healer?
An Abundance Healer is someone who doesn’t believe in having a scarcity mindset, and limitations. To me the world and the universe is infinite, continually expanding, and limitless. Scarcity mindset is when you make excuses for your limitations. In my abundant mindset, there’s always other options and you are not limited. Let’s work together to find the energetic emotional obstacles in your life that is preventing you from living an abundant life filled with love, happiness, and much more!
becoming an energy healer
I followed my heart’s calling, and because I simply love helping others.
spirit animal
Our spirit animals can change from time to time, my current spirit animal is a humpback whale. The humpback whale represents emotional healing, communication, wisdom, and keeper of history.
past lives
I am an old soul from various star systems. I have had many lifetimes as a spiritual healer.
soul element
My soul element is fire because I am a passionate person that loves transformation.
zodiac sign
Sagittarius sun, Aquarius moon, Scorpio rising. I like to push boundaries of existence and I live to be free and to continually learn.
favorite place
Hawaii because it is such a beautiful spiritual place. I found myself more in touch with nature and also got to visit the earth’s heart chakra at Mt Haleakalā.
self love practice
I meditate everyday to be in touch with my inner thoughts, and my loving spiritual guides.